We are winning because we know our enemy despite their constant defeats, they still have no understanding of us. It's a really strange experience being in a room of educated liberals these days. The vast majority are really great people, but refuse to be curious therefore can't understand why Trump was elected. They are dumbfounded.
Even when I point out it's about purging that nation from the sickness of corruption, they refuse to engage. And when I point out that it's not just about Trump - even he admits he's just the messenger - they simply will not consider my p.o.v.
What's interesting is that while they have zero interest in understanding the #MAGA World and supporters, I have a very good understanding of what they believe, how they think and how they view the world.
At the core is a very strong sense of entitlement to power. This comes from a rigid certainty that they are intellectually & morally superior people. Many of these progressive liberals truly believe that they are just superior human beings in every way.
If you regard yourself that way, it means that you believe it's a waste of time to consider any other p.o.v. It also means that you have license to preach to your inferiors. And it justifies ridiculing & belittling them. But most importantly, it means that you are relieved of the burden of persuading others to give you power, e.g political power. Because you are BETTER, you are entitled to TAKE power and keep inferiors away from it. Modern liberalism is essentially totalitarian in nature.
If there's anything the 8 years of Obama taught me, it was the rise of a totalitarian instinct among utopian liberals. By 'utopian', I mean the Obama crowd - the ones who wanted to IMPOSE their progressive agenda on America.
Utopians reverse engineer society. They start with their ideal world and work back to destroy resistance to it. Because their idealized world is genuinely progressive and better for all,fundamental protections for ALL citizens are no longer guaranteed. They start to dilute.
The rule of law becomes a flexible concept, rather than a bedrock principle that glues society together. Illegal spying on citizens becomes justifiable, for example. Ditto IRS targeting innocent groups and citizens on political grounds. Not just justifiable. LEGITIMATE.
But most importantly, it means that you are relieved of the burden of persuading others to give you power, eg political power. Because you are BETTER, you are entitled to TAKE power and keep inferiors away from it. Modern liberalism is essentially totalitarian in nature.
Equality under the rule of law is also a flexible concept. For example, using identity politics and race baiting, Obama was aiming to destroy the belief that equality existed, had ever existed, or was even possible. Divide, Rule.
It means that over time, critical social insitutions degrade - the judiciary , intell devices, armed forces - and the powerful people within them become infected with a political virus, aka corruption & crime. It's a slow and largely invisible process of rotting.
Even information itself becomes corrupted. Using a mix of rewards & punishment, Obama was able to give license to loyal media to lie, mislead and propagandize. Ditto, Hillary Clinton.
The role of the media as enablers of what happened to America between 2008-2016 is only now being exposed.
Underlying it all is liberal progressivism and the fraudulent post-modern philosophy that drives it - a longer thread , for those interested:Corporate America is allowing itself to be taken over by the same insanity that destroyed the Democratic Party - liberal progressivism.
It's a toxic combination of globalism, socialism & post-modern relativism in one deadly virus.
Nietzsche was the first to declare 'God is dead.' What he meant was that the faith in invisible, yet discernible truths, was being destroyed. He worried about the nihilism that would fill the vacuum, should the struts underlying discovery (method) be washed away.
It is this malign nihilistic spirit that the modern French relativists brought to the world. Derrida, Foucault, Stirner and a number of others branded themselves in typical grandiose terms 'post-modernists'.Their core argument - there are no invisible, objective truths. Or as Derrida said in 1967, 'il n'y a pas de hors-texte' - 'there is nothing outside context'.
It doesn't matter what Shakespeare intended when he wrote a play. Your interpretation of the text is as valid as his.
Hey buddy, how can you say Shakespeare even wrote the play anyway? His writing is just a composite of many different writers & thinkers.He wrote is. He isn't write it. No one wrote it. EVERYONE wrote it. It hasn't been written yet. Every view is valid. You see how this cheap trick of a philosophy works? It's a con job. A very dangerous one, too. Why?
Because it allows bad people who want power over others to exploit the vacuum. Nihilism makes people uneasy. Humans want reassurance and explanation. It's hard wired into us. charlatans, ideologues and megalomaniacs know this.
The warm, fuzzy ideology of Marxism filled an emotional gap. As did Hitler's fascism. As does global progressivism. The one thing that binds these movements together?
There is no such thing as truth, only context and perspective; the west is sinful and must always apologize & atone; and that humans are flawed & perfectible, as long as they strive toward progressive ideals - perfection encapsulated in the postmodern God, Barack Hussein Obama.
What seems to have happened between 2008-2016 is that this new religion started to take the place of imperfect, but secular, government. The Democratic Party, now shattered beyond repair IMO, became the vehicle for this religion's attempted takeover.
One with its own high priests and priestesses, language, sins & indulgences - as well as a pathway to salvation - demanding submission and unquestioning faith from its acolytes. Being the liberals I described at the start of this thread.
Of course, the world Obama created was a fertile ground for charlatans and criminals. Liberal progressives are the most gullible suckers I've ever seen. As long as you can APPEAR to be a fellow worshipper, you can get away with anything. Hence, the Clinton Crime Cartel flourished.
A Clinton Presidency would have been a great tragedy not only for America, but the world. The USA would have been destroyed. I have no doubt about that at all. It's why I will reward Trump as a failure if Clinton is not indicted, put on trial and punished. VERY important.
Regard Trump as a failure. I mean that as a compliment to him. He is a genuine historic figure and only people like him have the courage and skill to take the type of action that needs to occur against the Clintons, Obamas & their stooges.
It's not just about restoring the rule of law, but also about sending a message to the other.Clintons and Obamas out there, who right now are watching to see what Trump does. They need to have no doubt that it will NEVER be permitted to happen again.
AND it's about waking liberals from their nightmare and shaking them from their delusions. I'm an optimist and think that many have started to see how badly conned they were. But many still 'resist' admitting to themselves that they are conned.
That they are intelligent, but NOT intellectually or morally superior. That the imperfect world we live in is NOT something that can be 'perfected', but CAN be improved. In other words, that they are just like everyone else.
Because right now, too many are doing what Obama did - admiring themselves in the mirror, unable to look away from their idealized reflection, while the world moves on without them - 'Narcissus'
Until the spell over them is broken, they won't be able to move on and will continue to suffer defeat after defeat. And no - that's NOT a good thing, if we want #MAGA to succeed. America needs this sickness removed. As Trump keeps reminding us.
The good news is that, over time, except for the absolute dead-enders, the truth will win over the vast majority. It may take a decade, like it did for Reagan. But eventually …there was no doubt that Reagan’s (somewhat) controversial work led to an amazing economy and the end of the Soviet Union. Today, all be the dead-enders admit that Reagan was a truly great President.
Now, I don’t want to make Trump into a figure of worship. I don’t. This is a wild ride, and not everything is pretty, and not everything is wonderful. But it is amazing how far we’ve come in less than a year. For all the caterwauling, it’s been incredible. Not to mention, Trump is very funny, and he has an unusual gift of genius that goes well beyond his life as a builder. I don’t know where this will end, but I’m proud to have joined the Trump train early, and proud to fight with him.
Every. Day.
So far, he is the master of the storm. I anticipate nothing less in the next years.
Now, I don’t want to make Trump into a figure of worship. I don’t. This is a wild ride, and not everything is pretty, and not everything is wonderful. But it is amazing how far we’ve come in less than a year. For all the caterwauling, it’s been incredible. Not to mention, Trump is very funny, and he has an unusual gift of genius that goes well beyond his life as a builder. I don’t know where this will end, but I’m proud to have joined the Trump train early, and proud to fight with him.
Every. Day.
So far, he is the master of the storm. I anticipate nothing less in the next years.
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